Proven and Effective Methodologies

to Reclaim Your Joy! Peace of Mind! Balance! Freedom! Happiness! Excitement! Connection! Love!

Conscious Counseling for Individuals and Couples

Based in Concord, California

Clear the Past, Create A New Future, and Live A Fulfilled Life Now!

What an unprecedented, challenging few years it’s been. All of the uncertainty, forced changes, and loss has impacted people like never before and can lead to so much increased stress and anxiety…

If you are looking to regain your balance and joy in life, I’ve helped countless people uncover the deeper source of their upset, transform it and become free to live their authentic life.

Hi, I’m Kathleen Sims and for 35 years I’ve been helping people heal their past and navigate the stressful times of ‘the new normal’. Whether someone is feeling lost, having issues around anxiety, or relationship challenges, I use innovative techniques to help people make positive, permanent shifts and flourish. 
My approach goes beyond the techniques of an average coach or cognitive therapist. Most counseling only focuses on telling your story, hearing feedback and possibly taking new actions, which might bring about superficial and temporary change. I am committed to helping you heal the core underlying triggered issues so that new healthy actions become natural and effortless.

How I work:

I assist clients in healing their mind, emotions & history – creating permanent change. This clears the way to Live the Life their heart yearns to experience – a life of Meaning and Purpose, along with having a conscious, loving relationship that lasts a lifetime. I have developed very powerful, permanent Change Processes and Coaching Tools – which can help with self-esteem issues, anxiety, stress, panic, and PTSD.
Healing work means getting to the root of your issues and dissolving them at their source. I am Certified in over 20 modalities such as Brainspotting, Hypnotherapy, Eye Movement Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, and many others. I broaden my lens to encompass the relationship between your inner struggles and the rapidly shifting realities of modern human existence – through inner exploration you will access your deep place of knowing … a wellspring of natural resilience beyond ego, always available to guide you back to the essential messages from your Soul.
I have been very blessed to learn leading-edge healing technologies from various brilliant Mentors and Masters. My sessions range from 75 minutes to 2 hours. Feel free to call for a complimentary 30-minute consultation.
“Kathleen has helped me clear issues that I’ve been holding onto most of my life.
Through our work, I am now more confident and able to be my true self.”




Trauma and PTSD
Overwhelm and Hyper-Sensitivity
Life Coaching
Weight Loss
Marital and Premarital
Sexual Issues
Women's Issues

What People are Saying

About Kathleen:

Work With Kathleen:

Offering In-Person Sessions in Concord, CA, or via Video/Phone!


If these are particularly challenging times for you and you want a supporting guide to help you take control of your internal experiences, then I invite you to schedule a free 30-minute call with me to explore if my coaching and healing work might be a good fit for you. There’s no risk or obligation.

To schedule a complimentary consultation, call or text (925) 914-0098

or email